As I look at the world outside

As I look at the world outside
the way the butterfly glides
through the skys
I am reminded
of the beauty that resides

As I look at the world outside
and watch the humming bird fly
from flower to flower
collecting necture to subside
the beauty that I see makes me smile

As Iook at the world out side I often sigh
for there are those that
will hide.. and hurt
the ones that have
beauty inside

As I look at the world outside
it often makes me cry
that there is so much beauty
in the world outside
and most do not
take the time
to view it with a pure eye
o that they miss the wonderful world
out side

As I look at the world outside
I am offten apprised
that the beauty that lies
ut in the world outside...
also resides in you
looking from my eyes