ONCE UPON A TIME THERE WAS A BEAUTIFUL LITTLE GIRL WHO LIVED ON AN ISLAND.. THIS WAS NO ORDINARY ISLAND.. It was one of the few that was not spoiled by man kind. When this woman was a little girl she would often go walking along the beaches .. looking for anything that caught her fancy,.

One day while walking the beach like she always did she came upon a clam lying there in the sand.... Oh my she cried.. this poor little clam will die if I do not throw it back into the water, and with that she carefully picked the clam up and threw it into the sea..... as the clam hit the water there was a shimmer of light ... it seemed to fill the sky and the sea at the same time.... Special thought that this was a magical thing that she would never forget. Many years had passed and the little girl grew up to be a beautiful woman, she still lived on the same island, and she was content with her home and lands. She would often think of life as she knew it and how grand it was.. in the back of her mind she would often wonder about what life would be like somewhere else... and if she was living it to the fullest. As she would spend her days walking down the beach and nights looking up at the stars, she would often think of leaving her island and all her family.. These thoughts scared her but in the same vein brought some excitement to her.

Then it happened... The day started out like any other day.. she got up dressed and went out to greet the morning air. The birds sang like they always did and the waves called out to her in a musical way... she started out the door to go for her walk but something seemed strange to her... she could not put her finger on it ... it was just a feeling that she had inside. Like something was going to happen today... it was not a bad feeling but a queer feeling all the same.

She started down the beach like she always did .... She made it half way around the island when she came upon a man sitting in the sand... he was not from the island for she knew everyone that lived there. It was rather strange to find him there... with no boat in site she wondered how he could have come to be there. Hello she said as she got near enough to him, she could see that he did have the features of a man but was not a man.... My she thought I wonder what he is or for that matter what it is? As she approached she called out hello... how are you?? There was no response from the man thing....oh well she thought I guess he does not speak English so she approached him slowly. Excuse me she said.... As she was speaking she waved her hand in front of him. As she slowly walked to him special noticed that the man was starring out in to what appeared to be space, there was nothing but a blank stare ...

umm she thought I wonder what is the matter with him? Just then like it was magic, his eyes focused on her.... I am a the man from the sea.... He spoke...his voice had a watery sound to it.. there was a time long ago when you rescued me from a most deadly peril .... I was washed up on the shore, carried by a mischievous current. I do not know if you remember but you are the one that returned me to my beloved sea.. showing me a kindness that was so good that the sea sparkled with joy. Just then she remembered the day she found the calm.... And how the sea shimmered when she put it back...yes I remember she said... but you must be very important for the sea to shimmer like that ? she asked...

well, I am the prince of the sea.. my father was so happy that you put me back that on that day.. the clam that was taking care of me was instructed to produce two pearls. These are those pearls they have a magical property. . they are set in gold hearts for it was your heart that helped you return me... the magic that lies with in the pearls is the magic of love, and the magic of knowledge . with that he extended his hand and there in the palm were two small but lovely pearls..... they were set in gold hearts that she could fasten to her ears.

As special reached out to take them she wondered how will I tell them apart?? Just then the prince spoke.... You do not need to tell them apart... as long as you keep them near you will be able to enjoy there magic .... But remember that you must not let another wear these rings.... For if you do the magic will leave and the pearls will dull and then fade away, and so will your memory of me.... With that he handed her the pearls.... As she took them there was a shine to them.. it was almost as if she could see the magic in them... she also could tell them apart.... For she felt the love coming from one and the knowledge seeping from the other.... Now remember the prince said... they will provide you all that they are intended to but you must stay true of heart....

With that he walked back to the sea.... The sea seemed to shimmer as his foot touched it… he walked in until he was deep enough to dive in ......and then that shimmer that special remembered appeared brightly and then was gone..... Special looked in to her hand at the pearls… they were beautiful… I will always stay true to heart she thought…. That way I will never lose the magical powers of these pearls….. with that she held them up to her ear, the pearls being magical and all seemed to stay just where she put them on her ear lobe….. oh I must see how they look she thought…… I must find a polished shell so that I can see my self…. With that she ran down the beach towards home… for she had just found a shell the other day, and It would do nicely for viewing her new pearls…. When special got home she found the shell and admired the two pearls… oh they are beautiful she thought … I will never take them off…

The years had passed and special was still living on her island but as the time passed she thought more and more of leaving and seeking out new places to live… and wondering if life had more to offer…. You see special was getting island fever….. and it was starting to hit her hard……

She would sometimes talk to people on a magic mirror that her great grand mother had... special found the mirror by mistake... you see special's grandmother had hidden the mirror under a big rock in the back yard. then one day special decided to see if she could make that mirror work. she twisted it this way and that until she finally found out how to make it work... she was excited to see that other people were on the mirror... she latter came to find out that they also had mirrors and that it was the way that they talked to other people from other lands..These were people that were far away in lands that she had only read about in the few books that were left by some of the visitors that would come to visit on ocassion … . … it was the greatest and worst thing that could have happened…… The greatest because special got a chance to discover new and exciting lands… the worst because now she wanted to go to these lands.. and the more that she thought of them the more she wanted to go.

Then one day it happened... special meet a charming young man, though she had never seen him in person.. She could tell all about him. though he thought of him self as just a mere man she knew better... as the days and nights passed she found her self thinking more and more about him....

she knew that he was going through a hard time at home and that it wouldn't be long before he was free.. and she told him about her self... and how she was also going through the same type of situation.. but that it would take a few years for her to be free....for you see special had an obligations that she had to see through. and she could not leave until they were finished......... in telling him this she was being honest and true , so the pearls continued to shine.... she felt the knowledge of the second pearl working.. for she had the knowledge that one day this union would come to be. So they talked every day and some nights... they talked about the time that they would be together, and what they would do. ...... it was a happy time in special's life. It was also a sad time too, you see special and this man became very close and there was the yearning to be together as soon as possible... she kept telling her self that in time it would come to be . but that for now they needed to just care for each other and communicate the best way that they could.....
